
Success for first Henley coaching boot camp

Written by Niina Tuttavainen | 20.7.2021

Expert advice, practical learnings and workshops were offered at Henley Business School’s five-day coaching boot camp to help participants grow their own businesses.

Almost 300 people joined the programme, which ran from 5 – 9 July and was delivered virtually by the Rebel Business School with input from Henley experts including Professor Jonathan Passmore and a host of successful coaches and entrepreneurs.

Topics covered included setting up a business, sales and marketing, finance and legal, and the customer journey. Registration was free for current students, and the event was also open to Henley alumni, Henley Centre for Coaching members and external guests.

As it was hosted online, the programme was attended by participants from across the world including students in Germany, Finland, Denmark and South Africa, where Henley has international offices.

"Henley is known for providing outstanding coach training and this programme, provided online for coaching students, has given them the rocket fuel to turbo boost their business to the next level of growth. The event included advice from experts such as Adrian Moorhouse, MD of Lane4, and Matti Niebelschütz, MD of Coachhub, and input about how to use social media marketing, generate sales and business structure. Given the success of the event, this will become a regular feature of our coaching programmes going forward, as an additional free event we offer our coaching students", says Professor Jonathan Passmore, Director of the Henley Centre for Coaching.

Feedback from participants praised the practical tips, the informative discussion panels and inspirational speakers on the programme:

This boot camp has been one the best investments of my time I have made recently. Credit to Henley for being an academic institution but not being afraid of offering something immensely practical.

Bo Bjerregaard Rasmussen

No old-school rigorous business development, but bold and inspiring shoestring approaches which will get you cracking on the daunting art of creating a successful coaching business.

Anna Storbacka-Eriksson

In five days I have gained clarity, insight, inspiration and connections I didn’t know I needed, and confidence in my ability that I was in desperate need of. Fabulous initiative from Henley to partner with such a disruptive and different way to learn about business.

Carol Campbell

The Henley Centre for Coaching is a global leader in coaching research and coach training. It offers annual membership to all professional coaches, providing a virtual-learning environment where the members shape research and practice in coaching. 

Learn more about Henley's coaching programmes.