
Kuukauden alumni: Mika Tanner, Managing Director, SAP Finland

Kirjoittanut Niina Tuttavainen | 2.8.2021

Kuukauden alumni on uusi juttusarja, jossa haastattelemme Henley Business Schoolista valmistuneita alumneja. Haastatteluissa kuulemme mitkä ovat olleet tärkeimmät opit ja kuinka Henley-tutkinto on vaikuttanut alumniemme uraan ja elämään. Lisäksi kuulemme, mitkä ovat menestyksen avaimet kunkin alumnin nykyisessä ammatissa.

1. What were the most important lessons you learned at Henley Business School?

I started my MBA studies at Henley in 2008. Although my Henley MBA undertaking occasionally felt overwhelming, it was energising because I could apply them immediately at work and see them take effect. Many of the assignments were useful in structuring my approach and decisions to real-life business situations.

2. In what ways did studying at Henley change your life?

Even if my Henley MBA wasn't a life-altering experience, it was rewarding. It challenged my thinking, broadened my horizons and has, hopefully, made me a better professional. I also made friends with fellow students and have stayed in touch with some of them.

3. What is the importance of networks in today’s business?

Relationships and networks are everything in my work. Networks are easier to build and maintain than before. Henley Alumni actively connects and reconnects alumni. There seems to be a self-driven culture also actively contributing by sharing experiences and networks among alumni. What goes around comes around.

4. What is happening in your field at the moment, what are the keys to success?  

I have worked in the software industry for over 20 years. Tech trends are shaping our businesses at an exponential rate. It is increasingly important for business executives to understand the power of technology and how to exploit it. It is a paradigm shift for all of us. Digitally empowered business enables us to create unforeseen business opportunities. Soon, we will not talk about digitalization as it will be normal. I am confident that the COVID-19 pandemic will amplify certain megatrends, like online business, data-driven business, and omnichannel customer experience, which are positive demand drivers in our industry.