
Season's Greetings 2020

Author Niina Tuttavainen

Published 17.12.2020

Dear alumni, partners and friends,

Before everyone leaves for the holidays, we'd like to take this opportunity to thank you for your cooperation and support throughout the year. 

2020 has been a quite exceptional year – we have all faced very different circumstances at work and in our private lives. Many of you have started and progressed with your studies, and some of you have completed your studies. Also, many programmes had to be redesigned for alternative ways of delivery and some even postponed. Companies and individuals have taken giant leaps to adjust to the new normal, and adjusting to the changed situation has required a lot from everyone. We would like to thank everyone for their rapid adaptation and great dedication, which has made it possible to continue the delivery of our programmes since the outbreak of the pandemic – some of them face-to-face and some of them virtually and in hybrid mode. 

Our alumni community in Finland has continued to grow during 2020. With over 1000 alumni, we have a strong local community offering great opportunities for networking and allowing us to make an impactful contribution. All alumni events in Finland were delivered virtually during 2020, with some new concepts like the Henley 5 o'clock tea much appreciated. We are very grateful for all your great ideas and initiatives of what more Henley alumni could offer in Finland. 

This year has also taught us that the need for wellbeing and resilience is greater than ever. Not everyone is coping equally well in this very unusual situation and with the constant insecurity. Seeking help should be possible and easy for all who need it. Therefore we have chosen to support the important work of Mieli ry, promoting mental health and providing help and assistance in crises, with this year's Christmas donation. 

We wish you a happy holiday season and a successful start into the new year, stay safe and healthy! 

Looking forward to continuing our cooperation with you during 2021,  

The Henley Finland team 


Niina Tuttavainen

Marketing and Administration Specialist +358 40 832 9406