
Leader in Spotlight Paula Kilpinen: A coach, a leader, a parent – becoming better in all

Author Henley Business School

Published 15.5.2024

Alumni Coaching Leader in Spotlight

Paula Kilpinen: A coach, a leader, a parent – becoming better in all

Before joining Henley, Paula worked the past ten years in executive education and leadership development. She also has a background as doctoral researcher and a long career in a global company. So why did Paula choose Henley and embarked on coaching studies, again? 

“Yes, indeed I had already completed another coaching programme prior to my studies at Henley and I had acted as a coach for several years. However, the Henley programme enabled me to revisit my personal approach to coaching, broaden my method- and toolbox, and access the international coaching research done at Henley”, explains Paula. 

According to Paula, there are many benefits to the Professional Certificate in Executive Coaching programme. It prepares you for a coaching certification, but on top of that, it is a great personal development journey and a very practical programme, as you get to build your own approach to coaching, with the methods and tools that are aligned with that. 

When asked, why Henley, Paula has the answer ready, no doubt.

Once a Henley alumnus said that when you select a company for your personal development, it is like a job interview, but in a reverse setting. Henley is a triple-accredited coaching programme, as well as the only university-level coaching programme offered in Finland. So, the decision was easy.

Paula’s key learnings and take-aways relate to her own personal development, sounds familiar? Most likely yes, to many. In her reflection paper Paula explored how to shift as a coach from doing to being, and from knowing to not knowing, in order to help her coachees in reaching their full potential. The programme also helped Paula to embrace the multiple roles of a leader, an advisor and a coach, required in her coaching work and in her new job. 

Nowadays, lifelong learning is paramount. Paula stresses in particular having a growth mindset, learning on continuous basis and building networks, as the success recipe in today’s work life. In Paula’s view, Henley Business School provides a wonderful platform for that. 

For Paula, studying at Henley offered surprises, but only pleasant ones. 

"I took the programme to become a better coach, but I think I ended up becoming a better leader and even a better parent as well. Moreover, I did not expect to build such deep and long-lasting relationships with my peer students. We had a great group, and it is amazing how much you can learn collectively", says Paula with a big smile on her face. 

And due to coaching studies or not, she also now has a new job – at Henley Business School of course! 

P.S. Have you already familiarised yourself with Henley’s Coaching Programmes? You can find information on our offering here, or you can see our upcoming coaching related events here 



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Henley Business School