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Henley Masterclass: Leadership to address the three P's of sustainability; People, Planet, Profit.
Päivä 16.9.2024
Aika 16:00 – 19:00 GMT+03:00
Sijainti Pool Lounge, Antilooppi
Our next Henley Masterclass will take place 16 September 2024 @Pool Lounge, Antilooppi’s Siltasaari 10 in Hakaniemi, Helsinki.
This time we will focus on the Leadership opportunities in addressing the 3 P's of sustainability: People, planet, profit. Our line-up of speakers includes:
Jon Foster-Pedley, Dean of Henley Africa, Dr. Paula Kilpinen, Managing Director of Henley Finland, and Tarja Takko, Founder & CEO.
We will be announcing more speakers and info in August.
Save the date and reserve your seat for the event now!
Jon Foster-Pedley
Jon has been the Dean and Director of Henley Business School in Africa since 2010, with a compelling purpose: We build the people, who build the businesses that build Africa.
He is also the founder and chair of MBAid, which uses the energies of MBA and executive education in business schools to help SMEs and NGOs. He is also the founder of #CorporateActivism, focusing on economic development, human rights and on individual careers, reputation and credibility.
Dr. Paula Kilpinen
Paula Kilpinen is the Managing Director for Henley Business School Finland. She is also an executive coach and advisor, speaker and author.
She has written an award-winning dissertation and a book on humanising strategies. Additionally, Paula Kilpinen was selected as one of the top 25 leadership influencers in Kauppalehti Fakta's survey in 2020 and is also the recipient of the MySpeaker of the Year 2023 award for the Future Leadership. She also serves on the Unicef Finland Board.
Tarja Takko
Tarja is an authentic leader and advisor who brings passion, purpose, and people together. She has 25+ years of versatile experience from different leadership roles and she has worked all her career in global environment, recently as a CHRO in Ahlstrom.
Tarja has recently established her own company dedicated to drive positive change, helping to create future-proof organizations and drive better equity and wellbeing in the workplaces and larger in the world. Through her company she gets to put all her knowledge and experience to the use of businesses globally, helping them create more impact and better business through people.
Time and place
Date & Time
16 September, 2024
16:00-19:00 (14:00 - 17:00 GMT)
Pool Lounge, Antilooppi
Siltasaari 10, 00530 Helsinki
Sign up for the event
Reserve your seat now by entering your details into the form.