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Podcastit / Coaching@Henley
Coaching@Henley, Episode 2: Can anybody be coached?


Dr Rebecca Jones
Rebecca is an Associate Professor in Coaching at Henley Business School, the Director of the Henley Centre for Coaching and a Chartered Psychologist. Her research interests lie in examining the factors that influence coaching effectiveness. Passionate about evidence-based practice and teaching, she incorporates her research into her teaching practice at Henley’s Centre for Coaching.Rebecca is the author of the book ‘Coaching with Research in Mind’ and has published her research in leading journals such as Academy of Management Learning & Education, the Journal of Occupational & Organizational Psychology and the European Journal of Work & Organizational Psychology.

Aboodi Shabi
Aboodi is a Lecturer in Coaching and Behavioural Change at Henley Business School.
He has been working in executive coaching and coach training since the mid 1990s and has several years of international coaching, training and leadership development experience. He has delivered coach-training programmes and worked with executives and teams all over the world, in sectors ranging from NGOs to financial services, pharmaceuticals and media.

Sarah Leach
Sarah is a lecturer in coaching at Henley Business School, author of ‘Third Wave Cognitive Behavioural Coaching’, and a practising executive coach, running her own coaching practice since 2013 following 10 years of corporate experience in the utility sector, leading and enabling business change.
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